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Aktualizace těchto nabídek jsou založena na vaší činnosti. Data jsou ukládána pouze lokálně (na vašem počítači) a nikdy se nám neposlala. Můžete kliknout na tyto odkazy smazat vaši historii nebo ji zakázat
Giant Brad Borrelli comes stomping into a city full of people, ready to wreak havoc. He starts stomping around, smashing into them, having a blast and dominating all the bug people. Then all of the sudden, a superhero comes out of nowhere and tries to defend the bug people. Although the superhero is bigger than all the people, he's still way too small to put up a fight for Giant Brad. So the giant laughs and goes even harder on the bug people... Fighting the superhero by squeezing him in a fist, stomping on his face, sitting on him when he's landed on the ground so he cant take in any air....
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