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Aktualizace těchto nabídek jsou založena na vaší činnosti. Data jsou ukládána pouze lokálně (na vašem počítači) a nikdy se nám neposlala. Můžete kliknout na tyto odkazy smazat vaši historii nebo ji zakázat
My partner and I were dispatched for a public disturbance. We arrived at what seemed like 3 suspects arguing at a corner. Turns one of the guys walked in on the suspect fucking his wife. When he asked the man to leave his house the suspect started swinging. This is when we arrived to break it up and take the suspect in for public disturbance. The suspect told us “ It ain’t my fault that she loves the big black dick!! Shit I’d fuck her again!!” so before dropping him at the station we decided to pull over and take a look at this big black dick situation to see if it can be of service to us. We made the suspect undress and proceeded to make him bang us. Why are we cops if we can’t have what we want when we want it.
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